Weston Housing Coalition

Our mission is to champion equitable and inclusive communities by advocating for accessible, safe, and affordable housing options for all. We empower individuals, engage communities, and influence policy to create a future where every person has the opportunity to thrive in a stable and secure home. Together, we build a foundation for brighter tomorrows

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Organizations we collaborate with

Weston Affordable Housing Trust

The Weston Affordable Housing Trust is a separate legal entity, operated by a Board of Trustees who are appointed by the Select Board, to work with the Town to seize market opportunities and take other initiatives to increase moderate and low-income housing consistent with the town’s interests

Elderly Housing Committee

The Elderly Housing Committee, appointed by the Moderator, is responsible for overseeing the management and operation of the Brook School Apartments.


Weston Affordable Housing Foundation Inc (WAHFI) is a non-profit that develops affordable housing. Past projects include properties on Church, Viles and Pine Streets. Currently developing a project on Birch Lane


The Regional Housing Services Office (RHSO) is a collaboration between the member towns of Acton, Bedford, Concord, Lexington, Lincoln, Maynard, Natick, Sudbury, Wayland and Weston


Citizens' Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA)'s mission is to encourage the production and preservation of housing that is affordable to low and moderate-income families and individuals and to foster diverse and sustainable communities through planning and community development

Merriam Village

Merriam Village is a retirement community for persons of low and moderate income, located on a beautifully landscaped site within a 15 acre wooded lot bordering 150 areas of conservation land.

Why support affordable housing in your community

Stability and Community Cohesion

Affordable housing helps families establish stable homes within the community. When families can afford to live in a particular area, they are more likely to put down roots, engage in long-term community activities, and build strong social connections. This stability contributes to a sense of community cohesion and fosters a supportive environment for children to grow and develop.

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Aging in Place

Affordable senior housing allows older community members to age in place, remaining in the community they've been a part of for many years. This continuity promotes a sense of belonging and emotional well-being for seniors. It also helps maintain their social connections, as they can continue to engage with friends, family, and neighbors who may live nearby.

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Cultural Diversity and Vibrancy

Affordable housing initiatives can attract residents from different backgrounds, leading to a more culturally diverse and vibrant community. This diversity can enrich the community's cultural life, foster tolerance and understanding, and create a more inclusive atmosphere. Diverse communities often benefit from a wider range of cultural activities, events, and culinary experiences.

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Enhanced Social Equity

Supporting diverse and affordable housing options promotes social equity by ensuring that people of different income levels have access to the same opportunities and amenities. This can lead to a more equitable society where individuals have a fair chance to succeed regardless of their financial circumstances. It helps bridge the wealth gap and fosters a sense of social responsibility within the community.

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